Introduction to the course

UPDATE: Some of the finished games can be found here, just scroll down!

Hello and welcome to the Narrative Game Making with Twine, an optional study course for TAMK!

The course lasts just three days (Wednesday 7th - Friday 9th January 2015) and each day follows roughly the same format:

10.00 - 12.00   Theory session: with discussions and examples

12.00 - 13.00   Lunch

13.00 - 15.30   Working session

15.30 - 16.00   Afternoon break

16.00 - 17.00   Studio session: feedback and dissemination

Over the course of the three days we will explore the idea of what we understand games to be, what social issue games are, what a story is and how we can use the open-source tool Twine for telling interactive stories.

Then, having covered these themes, you should have also begun working on your own final task, a Twine game, which should be completed before the by 12.00 on Friday the 16th of January 2015.

As well as presenting the work-flow and tasks of each day, this blog also has a resource corner where you can find links to the things we go through during the week.
